Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mixed emotions; Happy and sad . . . .

Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!
6 He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.  Psalm 126:5-6


Mixed emotions; that seems to be what I always feel about this time of year.   Happy and excited about going home to family and friends but at the same time sadness about leaving the people and the ministries in Ukraine.   We have one more week here  and then we will be going back home to Mississippi, LORD willing.  I would like to ask all of you to pray extra hard for this last week of ministry.  Since May we have been meeting with people weekly in many different places around Poltava and in several villages in Poltava oblast.  Each week we have been storying through the Bible, we started with creation, shared several Old Testament stories, taught the Ten Commandments, shared about the birth and life of JESUS, looked at several parables that teach about HIS Love and GRACE, we have taught about sin, what it is and the consequences of it.  We have attempted to do our best to share the Story of JESUS in the power of HIS SPIRIT and in a Biblical way.  We are not asking people to raise their hand in a moment of emotion but we are challenging them by HIS GRACE, to follow HIM for a lifetime, to step out on faith, receive HIS GRACE, HIS finished work on the CROSS with the attitude brokenness and repentance.  We are so thankful that HE has trusted us to take part in this ministry.  Please pray for us that we can finish well next week, that we will be pleasing to HIM and HIM alone.  Please pray for all the people who have heard HIS story this summer, that in GOD’S time they will come to true repentance.  Please pray for all the Ukrainian believers in Poltava who will continue to work in this great harvest field. 

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. The Lord compelled me to move to Ukraine to find a Ukrainian girl. However, I have changed many lives for the better. I was compelled to write a book to help people in a different way. But, our paths are not very different from each other.
