Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July "Freedom"

Today is the 4th of July in my native country, the United States of America but we were sharing about another kind of freedom today at our camp in the village of Za Vorskala, Spiritual freedom that only comes through a relationship with the LORD JESUS CHRIST.  Jesus said in John 8:34 that whoever sins is a slave of sin . . . . all people have this sin and are slaves to it, even though they may claim freedom, all people are slaves to sin, slaves of bad habits, lust, materialism, jealousy, greed, anger, pride, and the list goes on and on.  We can’t stop sinning, these things are like a chain that binds us, I lived as a slave for 23 years myself, until the SON (JESUS) set me free.  John 8:32 says if the SON makes you free, you are free indeed.  Thanks to HIM I have been set free, by HIS Grace and Mercy through what HE did alone on the Cross, my penalty for sin has been COMPLETELY PAID.  I owe nothing, I’m truly free!  I live for HIM out of thankfulness for that freedom.
Today at home people are grilling out, spending time with family, eating homemade ice cream, shooting off fireworks, all those cool things we do to celebrate the fourth in the U.S.  I truly love all that!  I was thinking about some barbequed ribs todayJ!!!  My family and I have been in Ukraine for the last seven July 4th’s but I can vividly remember all the taste and smells of the Independence celebration. But I’m looking forward to one day celebrating real freedom with my LORD.  HE has purchased, and freely gives true freedom to all who will repent and call on HIM for Salvation.  HE gives a freedom that all the armies of the world combined could never achieve.  One day HE will come back for those who have truly believed that HE is the SON OF GOD and our faith will become sight!  Until then, work hard to share the freedom that is in HIM and HIM alone!  Please pray for the kids and parents in the photos below, that they will know the true freedom that is in CHRIST alone.  GOD bless!

 Baseball?  kinda . . .

 Oh yeah!!!  Americanski flag football!


Time for lunch!!!

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