On Mondays we normally go to one of the Children’s hospitals here in Poltava. We have been going there for the last two summers. The kids we meet with are there for some long term treatments and are usually able to go outside in the play area behind the hospital. It’s not really like the kind of hospital you would think of in the States but some of the diseases that would be easily treated at home can turn into a much bigger problem here. Anyway, most of the children in the photos are recovering from these kinds of diseases and are taking some long term treatments ect . . . also many of them are orphans so please pray for them and all the nurses that try to help them. These range in ages from 2 to 18 years old and some of them come from different villages throughout Poltava Oblast (State) so please pray that they will be drawn to Christ, that the LORD’S Spirit would work strongly in their hearts bringing forth salvation and that they would take HIM back to their area of Ukraine. Pray for us as we share HIM through backyard Bible studies at the hospital. A normal meeting for us goes kind of like this. Today for example: We all played together for about 15 minutes or so with a parachute, then sang some songs about JESUS in Russian, played some games, had a Bible story, then split into teams and rotated fromm crafts to sports ect . . . . . then met back together for a closing song and prayer. Pray especially for next Monday, it will be our last meeting with these kids and we will really miss them a lot. GOD bless!
My GOD is so Big!!!!
Our team - Loshka,Vlad,Tuesdae,Nastia,Felesha,Mindy,Page,& Kayla
Vova is always lots of fun, please pray for him.
But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matt 19:14
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:27
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